Acid Reflux Symptom
The acid reflux disease or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) is a disease get in the stomach contents into the esophagus, and these painful symptoms in the upper chest. These symptoms are heartburn, burning sensation in the throat and a general feeling of malaise. And 'easily diagnosed in adults, but reflux in children is a bit' harder to detect.
Acid Reflux Symptom
Newborns routinely, but can not spit. Older children actually acid reflux can not spit on you all, but may have subtle symptoms of acid reflux is "silent symptoms" know and understand.:
Acid Reflux Symptom
The first weight loss
Acid Reflux Symptom
Sleep disorders 2
Irritability 3
Arch your back during the fourth lactation
Difficulty swallowing 5
6 Pain in the abdomen or chest.
7 hoarseness in the voice
8 Frequent sore throats
9 persistent cough
At 10Stunting
Sleep Apnea 11
12 Vomiting of large quantities of bile acids or stomach is a sure sign of acid reflux in children.
It seems that heartburn is more common in children born prematurely. There is no connection to a particular time of preterm delivery. Premature babies have not had the opportunity to develop all their systems and therefore have a completely different set of problems, like acid reflux.
MyThe daughter was born prematurely with a lower esophageal sphincter and small Reglan increases on a regular basis.
So to recognize the most important thing when it comes to children reflux, vomit or spit all children acid reflux and not all children vomit or spit acid reflux.
There is simply no way of knowing of the dead without the advice of a pediatrician for help.
By reflow Children can be very thin, the parents themselves with what to look for and what to do for the poor.
If you do not know if your baby has acid reflux, try eating a food diary and how often the child vomits or spits. Symptoms also follow the same way and sending that information to your doctor. He / she may be the right decision on your child's treatment.
In addition to the "silent symptoms" including more pronouncedThe symptoms> are the constant complaints of heartburn, burning sensation in the chest and difficulty sleeping on your back.
Once you know what to look for your child to a pediatric gastroenterologist may be taken for evaluation. Take your calendar with you and discuss everything with your doctor.
There are several treatments for acid reflux and the doctor knows what to prescribe. I would not use the-counter drugs as Nexium, Prilosec or Zantac 75 inChildren, because they were originally developed for adults with the condition, and can be strong for children.
When it comes to reflux in children, there are too many variables to consider, so you can find your doctor in any case.
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