Acid Reflux Symptom
In recent years, the question was asked over and over, "Honey is a remedy for acid reflux?"
Acid Reflux Symptom
It is definitely a growing debate on this issue, which led to much confusion. The first thing to be clear that a simple store bought honey, rich in added sugars is not what puts us as a "cure" for the reflux. Not only the causes of heartburn can be changed so it would be morallyand ethically wrong to say that you can "cure" an excess of acid only symptom.
Acid Reflux Symptom
To study the subject, the debate on the most important in a kind of honey called 'Manuka Honey' which is supposed to some antibacterial properties. In particular, the ability to create a bacterium sure know a major cause of acid reflux symptoms, also known as heartburn is known to fight.
Acid Reflux Symptom
Interestingly, Manuka honey, which demonstrates that the special qualityonly produced in New Zealand and his new found fame, combined with a relatively limited supply, of course, has brought a high enough price.
If the Manuka honey is really a cure for heartburn is still controversial. Certainly there is anecdotal evidence of more and more for this, but it should be noted that to promote a direct interest in some quarters of its useful properties.
By all means investigate, and if it works forThey let you all know. Only willing to pay a lot of money for honey and remember there is an interest in advertising is as a remedy for heartburn.
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