Acid Reflux Symptom
It sounds strange, but it is true that children tend to suffer from acid reflux. Under normal conditions, the food, the esophagus, and this muscle at the bottom of the esophagus is closed. The procedure is easier to remain on food and liquids in the stomach.
Acid Reflux Symptom
This muscle is known as the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. If the ERP is unable to close properly and stomach acid content tend to settle inGorge.
Acid Reflux Symptom
Normally, GER, the reflux begins in childhood. But some children with gastroesophageal reflux disease live when they become old. Blades in general, if the medicine physician recommendations for the child.
Acid Reflux Symptom
A) Here are some symptoms of acid reflux in children:
a), abdominal pain, above the navel
b) chest pain, intolerance of pressure on the stomach
c) burning inEsophagus
d) excessive salivation or drooling
e) to refuse to be extremely picky about food, nutrition
f) frequent ear infections, ear congestion
g) less food despite hunger
h) Sleep disturbances, often walking in the area of the room
i) choking hoarseness,
j) a nagging cough
k) Poor weight gain, weight loss
l) cough especially at night
m) of the respiratory tract
It 'very easy to diagnose with acid reflux in children.In general, the pediatrician diagnosed the symptoms of your child and a basic physical examination. You can also request for the production of some tests to verify the diagnosis.
B) Some of the evidence to be produced:
a) The laboratory tests
These different blood and urine to determine the causes of recurrent vomiting and weight loss.
pH monitoring b)
The pH should be measuredthe acidity present inside the esophagus.
c) Upper endoscopy
A tube having a camera lens and light is inserted into stomach and esophagus via the child's mouth. This procedure is of utter importance to determine the narrowness or inflammation of the stomach.
C) The treatment:
The course of the treatment depends on the age and symptoms of the child. The doctor may prescribe certain lifestyle changes in order to see if it provides relief from acid reflux symptoms. In case, the problem persists, the doctor will suggest any of the following remedies.
a) Acid suppressors
Help in suppressing the production of acid inside the stomach. Some of the main acid suppressors include Axid, Tagamet, Zantac and Pepcid.
b) Antacids
Work towards neutralizing stomach acid. Some of the antacids include Tums, Maalox and Mylanta.
c) Acid Blockers
These block the production of acid completely inside the stomach, and they are Protonix, Prevacid, Nexium and Aciphex.
It is not difficult to treat acid reflux condition in children. All you need to do is to keep track of all the symptoms of this disease and treat on time. Visit the doctor as soon as you see any of the symptoms of this disease.
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