Acid Reflux Symptom
The muscle that prevents stomach acid from backing up and entering the esophagus and the throat is the esophageal sphincter. Gastric acid, the backup is in the throat is acid reflux. Some acid reflux medications such as antihistamines, the oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants , cardiovascular drugs and asthma drugs can reduce the thickness of the lower esophageal muscles. However, what happens over time, not immediately. If the esophagusMuscle mitigates this problem occurs frequently.
Acid Reflux Symptom
Round of acid reflux medicine, as required, to work properly. If you get better after taking this medicine, do not eat. Otherwise, your symptoms do not emerge. If symptoms are not treated, can lead to serious conditions such as reflux disease or GERD gastoesophageal known.
Acid Reflux Symptom
Many people do not inform their doctors that theystopped taking their reflux medication until the condition becomes very serious and thus they then require more intensive treatment options. Thus, if you are taking heartburn medications do not stop taking it if your symptoms subside.
Acid Reflux Symptom
Mild reflux is treated with antacids. A more persistent form is treated with stronger antacids such as Mylanta II, Maalox II and Riopan. A greater number of people than the tablet form prefer liquid forms of acid reflux medicine. Antacid medication is to be taken thirty to sixty minutes after meals and before going to bed.
Certain types of foods should be avoided if you have this condition. These particular foods have chemicals that trigger the onset of this stomach issue. Foods such as chocolate, peppermint, tomatoes and products made from tomatoes should be avoided since they cause heartburn and acid reflux.
Stomach acid reducing drugs known as histamine receptor blockers are available to sufferers. Proton-pump inhibitors are just as effective at reducing the acid production in your stomach and preventing excess stomach acids from refluxing into your esophagus. Acid reflux medicines such as Prokinetic or Motility have the ability to close the esophageal sphincter muscle more tightly. Drugs such as Omepraxole or Lansoprazole have the ability to heal inflammation in the esophagus quite quickly. Drugs such as these are valuable in the fight against acid reflux disease.
If your acid reflux medicine is not helping to reduce your symptoms then surgery may be considered. Less than twenty-five percent of sufferers actually require having surgery. It is a relatively minor surgical procedure, which is carried out through the belly button. Specialists use a pencil thin camera to see a detailed picture inside of the body. Tiny instruments are inserted through the small incisions to surgically correct the condition. This surgery creates a more efficient esophageal valve by wrapping the stomach pleat around the esophagus. The particular surgery is Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication.
If acid reflux medicine does not alleviate your symptoms then this is only when surgery is an option. If you feel that you have the symptoms of this disease then your first step should be to consult your physician to plan a course of action.
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