Acid Reflux Symptom
Acid reflux is common in children of different age groups. And 'the formation of stomach contents into the esophagus. The food and stomach acid flows back to irritate the stomach and discomfort. The immature digestive system is one of the reasons for acid reflux in children. Children can come for the food to flow from his mouth. As a result, the child may vomit violently.
Acid Reflux Symptom
The most common symptoms forthis disease in children are:
Acid Reflux Symptom
Cries of pain, irritation, and suddenly the baby during breastfeeding. Frequent regurgitation and vomiting large amounts of milk after eating. Vomiting for more than an hour. Inability to sleep soundly. Weight loss, poor and refusing to eat. Inability to eat despite the hunger.
Acid Reflux Symptom
There are some less common symptoms, which include:
Difficulty swallowing Sore throat Ear infection. Excessive salivation Frequent hiccups or wet. Burp
Unfortunately, reflux in children go undetected for a long time because they know, Don, and what happens when they bring their problems to the expression. To get rid of this difficulty to make children eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. It 's always good to have a light meal, get the easy to digest. It is advisable to bring children to non-carbonated beverages. Ask them lots of water after meals and when they are thirsty. ChildrenThe immune system is unable to bear the pain caused by heartburn. It 'good to accustom the children to take smaller bites when eating. The next thing to take note of what the rest position of children. We recommend that you keep your head too flat in an elevated position, rather than lying down. This is not good to sleep after eating a heavy meal.
It 's always important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Doctors can prescribe different therapies based on the severity ofthe case. Avoid spicy foods, fatty acids and is necessary to deal with the children of reflux. Generally, parents are natural remedies, because it is safe and without side effects. Most of the proposed remedies for acid reflux is to take care of the child's emotional needs. Reassure your child and take care of them the first and most important is to reduce acid reflux in children. The correct positioning and feeding techniques will also bring relief. AVariety of drugs are to treat acid reflux. Thus, the combination of natural remedies, regular exercise and a healthy diet can help reduce the effects of acid reflux in children.
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