Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Heartburn - a symptom of acid reflux disease

Acid Reflux Symptom

Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux disease is more than 60 million Americans today and many others around the world. However, often associated with heartburn, because of the occurrence of heartburn, is not always time to time in the diagnosis of GERD. Sometimes, it can be bad habits that, if corrected can relieve its manifestations are caused. On the other hand, could also be the result of a physical examinationBecause this requires more medical attention, especially if it is a symptom of acid reflux disease.

Acid Reflux Symptom

When heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux disease?

Acid Reflux Symptom

Since people can heartburn, GERD, without suffering, it is necessary to evaluate the severity of the patient of heartburn, and determine if it is really a symptom or manifestation of a different state. In this regard, there are three things that heartburnPatients can check to determine the severity of their disease. These are the period of time each episode lasting burn, the frequency and intensity of the sensations experienced with each episode.

Acid Reflux Symptom

- Length of time. Accidents heartburn can vary from a few minutes in mild cases, up to several hours, in severe cases. For the most light of people experience heartburn, the incident is often caused by a simple case of overeating or eating too much spicy food, so theCondition generally disappears after a few antacids and give yourself time to digest the stomach. In these cases, heartburn is rarely suffer as a symptom of acid reflux disease. However, if an accident heartburn can continue after the patient is taking medication for acid reflux disease and should seek immediate medical attention.

- Frequency. Heartburn is a condition experienced by a majority of the population in most Western countries. The experience of the people burns 44% once a month is still considered mild and should not be a cause for concern. For those who live once a week, you should exercise caution in their eating habits, because he suffers from mild heartburn. The problem is that 20% of the population suffers from heartburn at least twice a week. In these circumstances, as already chronic heartburn, which indicates a manifestation of> Acid reflux disease symptoms.

- Intensity. Be among the heartburn as a symptom of acid reflux disease, patients with the condition, the conditions usually rules, which are accompanied by weight loss, blood loss and dietary adherence to the throat. If the person suffers from heartburn also tastes a sour acid at the back of the neck, the possibility of heartburn acid refluxThe symptoms of the disease becomes more likely.

Acid reflux disease symptoms: heartburn Management

If you suffer from heartburn, here are some simple tips on how to control the symptoms of acid reflux disease:

Look at your diet first. Keep track of what you eat and avoid foods that trigger your heartburn.

2 Avoid heavy meals. To improve eating smaller meals more often to reduce the digestion and acidSecretion.

3 Quit bad habits. Heavy smoking and excessive alcohol consumption aggravates heartburn and should be avoided whenever possible.

4 Take a break. Find ways to relieve stress as you can upset the stomach and heartburn trigger.

5 to lose weight. Being overweight can lead to tensions in the abdominal muscles and makes it harder to digest food.

6 Wearing tight clothing. Clothes that are tight around the waist, can pushStomach and esophagus to force food.

A symptom of acid reflux disease does not always mean that you have this condition. Talk to your doctor for a correct diagnosis.

Heartburn - a symptom of acid reflux disease

Acid Reflux Symptom

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