Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heartburn and Orange Peel Extract Therapy

Acid Reflux Symptom

The orange peel is presented as a remedy for heartburn mild to moderate. Surcharges orange peel have been around for a while 'and have been used in cancer research. Many people have been large quantities of antacids and prescription drugs are an effective alternative. 90 percent of all medicines over the counter heartburn are the warnings and instructions that are not taken from a longer period. SomeResearch has shown that they can on the counter medications, if taken for long periods have long-term health consequences.

Acid Reflux Symptom

The key ingredient in the extract of orange peel is a chemical compound d-limonene. d-limonene (1-methyl-4-isopropenyl-1-cyclohexene) is a liquid with a lemon scent. This is an important constituent in several citrus oils (orange, lemon, tangerine, lemon and grapefruit) and serves on a number of other essential oils, as well. d-Limonene is included on the Food Chain andDrug Administration (FDA) is generally recognized as safe list, and for use by the FDA as a food additive (Opdyke, 1975) approved. d-Limonene has a boiling point of 176 C and a vapor pressure of less than 3 mm Hg at 14 C. D-limonene is used primarily as a flavoring and fragrance.

Acid Reflux Symptom

The EPA has done some tests with mammals of Leno. They found that ingestion of this chemical was less than 1000 mg a few or no side effects. The most common side effects of higher doseshave birth defects, bone and skeletile probems. Apparently, there are no long-term studies on the effects of the skin in orange extract (d-limonene). Orange peel extract has been studied to some extent already its effectiveness in reducing heartburn. Researchers do not fully understand the relationship between the orange peel extract and its effect on heartburn.

Acid Reflux Symptom

It is believed that the extract of orange peel acts as a surfactantSupport for esophageal peristalsis. It is also believed that moves the food into the stomach to the intestinal tract more quickly which reduces the amount of acid in the stomach. It 'clear that more research be done before we can fully understand how to remove orange peal, reduce the symptoms of heartburn works should be.

The orange peel extract has been used in short-term studies to determine its effectiveness inReduce the symptoms of heartburn. The published results of these studies show that consumption of 1000 mg of orange peel extract every day for a period exceeding 20 days, in fact, reduce the symptoms of people with mild to moderate burns. It was found that the extract of orange peel in this study, a high concentration of the chemical d-limonene (98.5%) used content. The study shows thatabout 90 percent of all test subjects showed a significant reduction in reflux symptoms after 14 days of treatment. Not only that, the severity of the symptoms of acid reflux, but also the frequency of seizures.

Needless to say, not the orange peel extract cure heartburn or GERD (reflux) is. However, it can help change lifestyleavoiding heartburn suffers from mild to moderate development of the state of serious burns. You have to consider self-diagnosis of a disease is a recipe for disaster. It 's always advisable to consult a doctor if you have a qualified and chronic digestive problems. What seems normal burns can be something much worse, like cancer or heart disease.

Heartburn and Orange Peel Extract Therapy

Acid Reflux Symptom

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