Sunday, September 4, 2011

It is acid reflux and diarrhea related?

Acid Reflux Symptom

A significant number of people who have acid reflux disease also suffer from frequent application of IBS or irritable bowel symptoms. But this is a coincidence or related. The answer is that there seems to be a link. There are at least an affiliation between reflux and diarrhea, and can be more. In this article we briefly on the importance of these compounds.

Acid Reflux Symptom

The connection

Acid Reflux Symptom

The first of the twoCompounds is a natural product. This could mean that both acid reflux and diarrhea are symptoms of a bigger problem behind it. In this case, the problem of digestion. Medical sources note that acid reflux disease can occur when the intestine and lower abdominal muscles to relax involuntarily. Again, this can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea.

Acid Reflux Symptom

The other connection between reflux and diarrhea is not clearoccur, but drug-related. Several recent studies show that the drugs are taken to alleviate acid reflux actually help cause diarrhea. There are two basic categories of medical treatment of reflux - protein pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H-2 blockers. Some common brand versions of these drugs, you can tell they are Prilosec and Nexium and Zantac and Pepcid for the PPI of H-2 blockers. Diarrhea was found to be a side effect of takingthese two categories of drugs.

Read on to know why these drugs and treatment options can cause diarrhea. You can also opt for the free newsletter acid reflux at the bottom for natural methods of treatment for acid reflux that does not have diarrhea.

The cause

H-2 blockers and protein pump inhibitors has been shown that the excessive growth of the bacteria Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) easier.Excessive amounts of C-diff is growing in the large intestine or colon is endemic, are responsible for the onset of diarrhea. Brand and worse, can antibiotics for various problems (or related) have led to kill the "good" bacteria that are necessary to switch from C-diff in the colon are the resort.

Colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel painful cramps, can cause too many C-diff. To compound things, these infections spread easily in populated areas such as hospitals andDormitories.


Basically struggle to take medication for acid reflux actually weakens the body's own defenses. The acid from the stomach into the body of a person is not just for the digestion of food, but also acts as a barrier against unwanted intrusions from our mistakes body to prevent. Drugs for stomach acid may weaken to suppress this form of defense, access to certain bacteria (such as C-diff), which otherwise would not be permitted.

It 'also one of the reasons whyDoctors often recommend more natural methods to combat acid reflux, before switching to medicine. Some of these methods to lose weight (if applicable) and eat small frequent meals, eat less fat, less spicy foods, alcohol and smoking and limit raise its head during sleep. This can often take a long way in controlling acid reflux, if after himself.

Acid reflux and diarrhea are associated, probablymore than one. If you have not already exhausted the possibilities, you might want to try, are presented using some of the ways of life and care related to food above. If you're not with medical care, then just remember to be aware of infections that can result from a weakening line of defense. And to maintain regular contact with your doctor accordingly.

It is acid reflux and diarrhea related?

Acid Reflux Symptom

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