Monday, July 25, 2011

Acid Reflux Weight Loss Part 3 - Development of a customized weight loss plan for acid reflux syndrome

Acid Reflux Symptom

Obesity and high body mass index (BMI) are important factors for the symptoms of acid reflux. AND 'logical that weight loss may be an important part of treatment for acid reflux, if you are overweight. Take the excess fat presses on the stomach so that stomach contents to rise, making it more likely that the lower esophageal sphincter, not being able to stop stomach acid refluxthe esophagus. Extra fat around the face, neck and chest is also more pressure on the esophagus to limit, and a weakening of the "seal" between itself and the stomach.

Acid Reflux Symptom

It 'easy to see how to lose weight, usually lead to a decrease in symptoms of acid reflux. By reducing the fat around the stomach and esophagus, can reduce or even eliminate many of your symptoms. To achieve this, changes in the style of life are necessary.This includes a change in diet and activity.

Acid Reflux Symptom

Here are some weight loss and lifestyle changes that can make a positive difference for the symptoms of acid reflux syndrome:

Acid Reflux Symptom

- Increase the amount of water soluble fiber in your diet, water-soluble dietary fiber, fruits and raw vegetables can be found .. These are foods that are usually easily digested by the body and make your legal residence in so swollen and ultimately, not to avoidtoxic deposits in the digestive tract.

- Eat smaller more frequent meals Try not to eat a meal that is larger than the size of your fist into a session and meal frequency to five times a day .. not only helps to digest food efficiently metabolism you eat, but reduces even the possibility of food aid to more levels of stomach acid.

- Do not try to lie down for at least three hours of a meal that help keep your stomach acids where they should be (because of gravity) that allows them to break the food into their work more effectively, so that more nutrients from what you eat.

- Avoid soft drinks and acidic calcium not only symptoms of esophageal reflux disease was going to lose, but the average person up to 20 pounds a year just by cutting the food ..

- Eating an apple a day.The old adage says that keeps the doctor away, and he was right. Eating apples for reflux to help clarify the many attacks and are in good health, weight loss is friendly.

- If you are hungry before eating often succeed, because the body is dehydrated, rather than they need food .. Make sure you drink the water always on hand all day and up to October 8 to 8 oz glasses This helps to unnecessary consumption of food, hydrate the bodyand also "hot" all the remaining acid reflux into the esophagus.

- Avoid activities that look just after eating, that this action could put additional pressure on the LES and cause acid reflux is.

Do not fall into the trap of using commercial software diet to lose weight for the acid reflux syndrome. Although they can be to lose weight effectively, not necessarily help you build the right kind of life style, yetchoose the acid reflux syndrome in the spirit of their food.

It 'important that the types of foods should make up the majority of your diet you can eat from time to time, and those you should avoid at all familiar with, not only for your life, but also for your acid reflux syndrome. Even if you learn a lot of information at first glance, you, you quickly learn what is right to be surprised and what is bad forYour digestive system.

Acid Reflux Weight Loss Part 3 - Development of a customized weight loss plan for acid reflux syndrome

Acid Reflux Symptom

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